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The book "IT-Handbuch für Fachinformatiker - Der Ausbildungsbegleiter" from Sascha Kersken ? published by the "Rheinwerk computing". I reading the 10th version which was published 2020.
In this chapter tells us the author what the book is about, the milestones & point of view from germany right now.
The book is most about what you have to know as a software developer, system engineer, analyst, Network engineer. It could be also relevant for people who decides to take a career in the marketing of IT. He also tells us that the 10th version of the book includes a bigger part of machine learning, stochastic, analytics & much more.
The author wants to keep it real as possible & not so much theoretically.
Chapter overview:
(Disclaimer: Not every part of the book is important for every job which part is important for which job will be explained in chapter 1)
Chapter | Description |
| Includes the story & main functions of a computing device. It also contains the fundamentals of them. |
2. "Baiscs of math" | Contains a solid introduction into some aspectsof math which are very relevant to understand the information technology. |
3. "Basics of electronics" | From the predictability, to every electronic part of a computer includes this chapter everything that could be relevant to understand the functions of them. |
4. "Hardware" | Is about the central unit, the Bio's & elements of a computer like micro processor, peripherie devices, In/output devices. Thinks like thumb drive, DVD's and so on. |
5. "Basics of networking" | Here we talk about different kind of networks like "local area network" & "wide area network". The ISO-modell & protocolls like TCP/IP which are the most protocolls to communicate between two networks. |
6. "Operation system" | This chapter includes the concepts, processes, the file management & much more. Also the windows power shell & bash shell will be talked about. |
7. "Basics of programming" | We will talk about the programming languages Python & Java but the basics of most other languages. |
8. "algorithms & data structures" | Complains the way to prepare & plan an algorithms before you get to the coding part. The "classics" of them will be also talked of like sort algorihms & searches in compiler structures. |
9. "More programming concepts" | Defines & explain more aspects of programming that are practice oriented at praxis & not theory. Linear algebra is a topic too. |
10. "Data analyse, machine learning, AI" | Includes everything from definitions , concepts, the used tools and to work with them. |
11. "Sofware engineering" | Software engineering is much more than programming. It includes project management, application modelling with UML & scrum will be talked of. Tools like bugtracker, repositories & continous-integration-software will be important. |
12. "Process analyse for business process" | Is about the diagram language BPMN, the parts of an analyse & the analyse himself. |
13. "Databases" | This chapter is about the functions and basics of databases , MySQL, NoSQL, CouchDB. |
14. "server for webapplication" | Protocolls like HTTP and HTTPS are important and will be explained in this chapter. Apache2 & PHP won't be forget. |
15. "more internet server provider" | complains all about server for TCP/IP based networks like BIND, Open LDAP, Metaserver |
16. "XML" | Is a language for the definition of hierarchical document formats. The DTD's & XML themplates is something that will be talked of too. |
17. "more data & data formats" | Is about format pictures, text and it is also about text based & binary data formats |
18. "Create websites with HTML &CSS" | From create layouts with HTML5 & the creation of hyperlinks. Consistant layout with CSS3 are teached in this chapter too. |
19. "Webserver applications" | Includes more than HTML5. In chapter 19 we talk about create dynamic content with PHP8 & implement it into the rest of the website. |
20. "Javascript and Ajax" | We will talk about DOM, create a website that is "alive", the ajax archive & develop a client with Rest API. |
21. "Computer & network security" | Is all about to prevent and protect your system from malware or trojans. cryptography, firewalls and data security are also important will play a big role. |